Michigan Works! has recognized DHT Group as the 2020 Employer of the year! The award was originally presented virtually at their annual conference on Sept. 16th, 2020. The physical award was presented in person to DHT on, Oct. 7th, 2020 by, Chris Rishko (CEO of Michigan Works), Sheril Tarrant (Director of Business Services), and Joe Kaczmarek (Business Services Specialist).
DHT has worked very closely with the Great Lakes Bay Regional Michigan Works within the past year. DHT has attended virtual industry-focused and conducted single company job fairs, participated in community events, and has been recognized for obtaining the Bronze-level status for being a Veteran-Friendly employer.
DHT’s goals are to continue to work closely with MiWorks and find talent within the Great Lakes Bay Region community. Available positions are posted on the MiTalent site and shared on the MiTalent Social Media Platforms.
Thank you to Michigan Works! for recognizing DHT as Employer of the Year, 2020.